Theater Plays of Great Souls

Every year Living Wisdom School in Palo Alto California performs a play on the life of an inspiring, great soul.

Every student, pre-K though 8th grade, takes part in the play production. This provides a wonderful opportunity for the children to internalize the great spiritual teachings from around the world.

Viewing these, almost professional, productions is a great way to learn about the life and teachings of spiritual souls from various traditions.

These plays can be freely viewed at:    Inspiring Plays

Several direct links appear below to plays on

“Great Lovers of God.”

If anyone knows of other plays online which can be freely viewed, please email them here and they will be linked.


Saint Francis and Saint Clare part 1 from Living Wisdom School, Palo Alto on Vimeo.


Saint Francis and Saint Clare part 2 from Living Wisdom School, Palo Alto on Vimeo.


Mirabai, Mystic Poet Princess of India part 1 of 3 from Living Wisdom School, Palo Alto on Vimeo.


Mirabai Mystic Poet Princess of India part 2 of 3 from Living Wisdom School, Palo Alto on Vimeo.


Mirabai Mystic Poet Princess of India part 3 of 3 from Living Wisdom School, Palo Alto on Vimeo.


The Subject Tonight is Love The Life and Poetry of Hafiz Act 1 2012 from Living Wisdom School, Palo Alto on Vimeo.


The Subject Tonight is Love 2012 Act 2 from Living Wisdom School, Palo Alto on Vimeo.


Learn more at: livingwisdomschool.