It hurts Me …

“I did not come to judge the world, but to save it.”

While in a very devotional state, at the end of a devotional walk recently, I saw a man on the sidewalk, and a judgmental thought crossed my mind. Instantly I felt God as the man and inwardly heard Him speak to me:

“It hurts Me when you judge Me like this.”

It was very poignant and deep remorse followed. How could I judge the One who gives me so much love and joy, whenever I breathe and focus my heart on Him?

Who was I to judge how God wanted to unfold Himself in the life of another person? The man’s actions were not commendable, but I was judging him as being less worthy than others.

The next morning while feeding my cats, I thought about how God was being these cats. I didn’t judge these cats for being cats. I certainly didn’t judge God for deciding to partially express Himself as a cat. So why should I judge a man for being who he was.

Growing up I had continuously heard the bible passage “judge not, that ye be not judged”. I tried to follow this through mental discipline, but not to successfully. However now it has become much easier. When judgmental attitudes arise, I can feel the heart pain it causes the Beloved and I hear:  “It hurts Me …”

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