Seeing God in Everyone

“look for Christ Our Lord in everyone and you will then have respect and reverence for them all.”

– Saint Teresa of Avila

Have you ever noticed how sometimes when observing a loving act, the observer will feel more love inside than the actual people involved in the loving act. Consider a mother who is giving her small son a piece of candy, both feel the love of sharing. One giving, one receiving. However, the mother might also be thinking at the same time “if only he didn’t fuss so much.” The son may be thinking “if only Mom would give me 2 pieces instead!” So both the Mom’s and son’s experience of love is impinged on by egoic thoughts or desires. However, someone watching this doesn’t have any egoic involvement, so they can just enjoy the display of love more fully.

This effect can be used to help “see God in everyone.”

Whenever I’ve tried to directly see God in someone, two problems have arisen.  One is that ego judgments might get in the way. Second is that it becomes a “mental” exercise where I just visualize God in them but don’t really experience or feel it.

A more effective method for myself is this:

First practice simple love breathing for a moment. Just breath in deeply, energize the heart center, silently chant “God” on the out-breath, while feeling love for Him.

Then, usually looking at the person, I’ll keep energizing my heart on the in-breath, but on the out-breath, feel God loving this other person. Sense God’s ecstatic love for this person’s soul and His sheer delight in their being.

After a moment of this, I’ll shift my perception to seeing God as this other person. God is just manifesting Himself as this person and relishing in the experience of unfolding Himself in the life of this person.

This method of first observing and feeling God’s love for another, helps me feel love for others and see God in them better.

Each day now I’ll try to spend at least a minute to “see” God this way in each of my family members. It has helped contribute to a increasing sense of family harmony. It could also be a useful practice to use with people you work with, have difficulties with, or just anyone you see.

Blessing and Joy


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